Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Townes Van Zandt

The name for this blog is an amalgam of two brilliant artists. William Faulkner we've pretty much all heard of, I'm sure, but, the Townes Van... 'Where does that come from?' some might ask.

I'd like to introduce my readers to Townes Van Zandt, in my humble opinion the greatest songwriter the world has ever known. And many agree including Steve Earle who declared Townes the greatest songwriter ever and then went on to say, "I'll say that standing on Bob Dylan's coffee table in my cowboy boots". [When someone told Townes about this quote he retorted, "I've seen Bob Dylan's bodyguards and Steve's not getting anywhere near his coffee table"]

I found this radio program that KUT in Austin, TX produced to go along with a new Townes documentary, which I can't wait to get ahold of.

I strongly encourage you to give it a listen. Townes led an interesting life and it's got some great song clips scattered throughout as an introduction to his music.

Oh man, I had heard about this. Damn, I want to see it. I can't wait to see the documentary too and I'd really like to read the biography that they reference in this radio program.
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