Sunday, March 26, 2006


Podcast: Queer as Folk Music

The Ballad of Sean McCollough
You're Gonna Miss Me
There is Nothing
All Alone Blues

All songs written and performed by Enoch and copyright of Bassless Accusations Music 2006.

Hey! Yes, I love all alone blues!

You know, I really like your voice in gonna miss me. it seems just a little bit different; i guess sort of super clear.

Prettiest music award goes to there is nothing (in this podcast)

Do you want to explain the humor of the title?
Thanks Friedrich Woorstenburgerton.

You ever heard of that show Queer as Folk?

I thought since this podcast consisted of an Irish ballad, a blues, a bluegrass tune, and an acoustic shoegazer, it seemed Queer as Folk Music.

Thanks fer lissnin.
Thanks Orni,

Hey you sound as though you may be a fan of the mandolin since you've commented on it twice now. Now that you have a real job with a real salary you should think about taking it up. I recommend Kentucky Mandolins as a good starter.
I'm playing the KM-150S model. Just throwing that out there.

By the way, how is the taxidermy business treating you?

Thanks fer lissnin.
Ell I be, I may have successfully planted that seed in your head.

The mandolin is a small sumbitch with teeninsy-ass frets, but I think you could handle it. I think it's more about technique than your fingers actually fitting inside the frets.

I wonder how easy it'd be to find an instructor in Cleveland?

If the small frets scare you off, then I'm thinking... DOBRO! No need to fret shit.
ornitho, where are you at these days? sounds like you landed a job (post-doc, faculty?).
by the way, these last 4 songs are your best so far, in my queer opinion.
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